The War of Thrones: Biblical Parallels With America’s ‘Culture War’ from CHARISMA HOUSE
In his New York Times bestseller, The Paradigm, Jonathan Cahn reveals an ancient blueprint from the time of Ahab and Jezebel that amazingly foreshadows the events of our time. The following excerpt reveals biblical insights behind America’s “culture war” and the forces that battled in the campaign that led to the election of Donald Trump. Those forces are still battling on the nation’s stage to this day. As in ancient times, the fight involves nothing less than worldviews, biblical values and the lives of babies:
A showdown was coming. There were two nations in one. The first was represented by Joram, Jezebel, the house of Ahab, the worshippers of Baal and the majority who simply went along with the apostasy. The second was represented by the prophets and those who had remained true to God and His Word. They were the minority, committed to following the ways of righteousness despite every pressure to the contrary. They were praying for a national return to God, a revival. But the longer the house of Ahab was allowed to remain in power, the greater its ability to wipe away biblical faith and the greater its chance of doing so. Commentaries describe the gravity of the situation this way:
The influence of the house of Ahab had now spanned decades. By virtue of time and inertia its ways were becoming more and more ingrained in government, custom, culture and faith. Its impact was even spreading to the southern kingdom of Judah, where it would at one point threaten the very survival of King David’s dynasty. For the people of God the situation seemed hopeless. The house of Ahab was entrenched on the throne. There was no way out.
But a prophecy had been given, Elijah’s word to Ahab in the vineyard of Naboth. Jezebel had to have known of it. Whether she ever told Joram we don’t know. The word foretold the overturning and vanquishing of Ahab’s dynasty. It would involve the son of Ahab, the house of Ahab and his wife, Jezebel.